St. Croix USVI Real Estate & Other Good Things

VI Property Revaluation Website

From this Property Revaluation Website you can look up information about property tax accounts and about property characteristics and values.

In depth details from their website:

There have been two phases to development of this site:


Provide access to the Tax Assessor’s files as a public service to taxpayers and others seeking public information available in the files


Give taxpayers access to information on their property that has been collected by VI Property Revaluation
Provide taxpayers the opportunity to view the proposed value for their property before tax bills for the 2006 tax year are mailed.
This is PHASE II. For those of you who are new to the site, you can search for a property by

Parcel Number (printed in the upper right block on the tax bill)
Owner Name
Property Location
Deed information
All of these searches start from the Parcel Search or Tax Bill Search option on the Property Tax Menu in the left screen panel.


In the Parcel – Search screen, enter the Parcel #. This number is found in the upper right block of your property tax bill.
Press enter or click the Search key.
The search results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Click on the highlighted parcel number to get more detailed information about the property.

Enter location information in the Legal Description field of the Parcel – Search screen. The less detail the better.
Make use of the “%” wild card search tool. Example:
You are looking for information on MANDAHL 11-X. The property may be in the system as MANDAHL 11-X or 11-X MANDAHL or ESTATE MANDAHL 11-X or 11X ESTATE MANDAHL. To locate the first possibility simply enter MANDAHL and all property locations beginning with MANDAHL will come up. To narrow the search, enter Mandahl%11 or 11% Mandahl. From the list, select the highlighted parcel number to view detailed information about the property you are seeking.


In the Parcel – Search screen, click whether the Name Type is “Individual/Family” or “Org/DBA” (for businesses)
Enter the owner’s last name to get a list of all owners with that last name. In general, the less detail that is entered the more successful the search will be. The last name and the first initial or few characters of the first name of the person you are seeking should be sufficient.

If you have the Document # and/or Date Recorded for a property, enter it here.

Example: you can search for all deeds in a particular Estate recorded on the same date. Be sure to press the Clear Fields button whenever you are going to try a new type of search, or the program will try to make a combination search. Or, simply re-click the Parcel Search menu button.


USVI Recorder of Deeds Website


VI Phonebook Online


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