Below is a comprehensive list of website links, addresses and phone numbers to all St. Croix USVI real estate agents, brokers and Realtors. If you’d like your link added or spot a possible correction… email us.

Links to All the St. Croix Real Estate Sites

Angel Suarez, Jr. Realty | Bidelspacher Real Estate | Calabash Real Estate | Honnie Edwards | Century 21 Richard & Ayer | Marsha Benson | Matthew Hawes | CB Land-de Wilde Realty | Lorine R. Williams | Coral Beach Realty | Danish West Indies | Ford Real Estate | CPMI/Ford | Farchette and Hanley | Jack Cappiello | Lad Concepcion | David Fedeles | Chris Hanley | Jan Hanley | Ray Hathaway | Eldon Lambert | Lee Seward | Casey Wilson | Cynthia Taylor | Charles Urich-Buyers Agent | Alexandra Bentley | Hamilton Real Estate | Fortunata Pascal | Patrice Kelly | Pillar Fletcher | J.A. Lordi | Paradise Properties | Remax St Croix | Roland Groder | Joe San Martin | John McCarthy | Trish Rhodes | Allan Coad | Karen Stanton | R & R Realty | SeaBlue Homes | Sun Realty

Other Sites to Find St. Croix Homes for Sale

Craiglist: Caribbean Real Estate using keyword Croix
Ebay: Real Estate using keyword Croix St. Croix USVI real estate

Address and Phone Numbers of All St. Croix Real Estate

American Rentals & Sales
2001 Old Hospital Street #3 Christiansted, VI 00820
(340) 773-8470
Dorothy Gilroy
Ann Marsh

Andrews Real Estate
32 King Street , Christiansted, VI 00820 (340) 773-6463
Rupertha Andrews
Janice Brooks

Angel Suarez, Jr. Realty
60 Queen Street PO Box 313, Frederiksted, Vi 00841 (340) 772-3736
Paul Casandra
Andgel Suarez

Antilles Brokerage Corp.
3280 Golden Rock PO Box 26497, Golden Rock, VI 00824 (340) 773-9150
Adam Hoover
Linda Nelson
Nicholas Tyler

Baxter Realty
388 Cotton Valleys, 5041 Cotton Valley Shores, Christiansted, VI 00820 (340) 773-9168
Linda Baxter

Bidelspacher Real Estate
3 North Grapetree Bay, VI 00820 (340) 773-9250
Robert Bidelspacher

Carl Christopher Real Estate
P.O. Box 4090, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851 (340) 772-2220
Carl Christopher

Calabash Real Estate
4126 La Grande Princesse, Christiansted, VI 00820 (340) 719-5285
Honnie Edwards
Caryn Hodge
Thomas Pinchbeck
Ness Fennessey
Lauritz Blackwood
Robert Quinn
Rebecca Merwin
Erica Demo
Patricia E. Noel-Canegata
Esther Joseph
Pearl Shelby Sharpe
Danielle Hylton-Riggs

Century 21 Richard & Ayer
Anthony J. Ayer
Linda Ayer Holt
Marsha Benson
Teresa Calpano
Jack Carson
Matthew Hawes
Mary Ann McGriff
Sandra Putnam Davis
Erick Reynolds
Jeannine Sutherland
Jeffery Whelan
Paula Wilson
Kim Gabriel
Linda Stamper

CB Land-de Wilde Realty
Amy Land-de Wilde
Isabel Brady
Nancy Gentry
Marilyn Lockwood
Pamela Hunt-McFadden
Sylvia Pittman
Patti Scafidi
Linda Stamper
Joe Thayer
Sharon Thayer
Lorine R. Williams
Anita Galindo

Coral Beach Realty
Attorney Kathleen Mackay
Valerie Sheppeard-Hankins
Alfred F. Hankins, Jr.
Shaula M. Jeffers

Cornerstone Investments
Pam & Dallas Tirk
Stacey Neilsen
Dave Rauschenberger
Joseph Bramble
Heather Hitchcock
Marjorie Belardo
Paul Cyr

Danish West Indies
Marjorie Robbins

Doug Millar Real Estate
Doug Millar

Ford Real Estate

Dwaine E. Ford
Ivan Minarik
Arthur Gray
David Jackson
Donna Ford
Mark Sperber
Suzanne Yunker
Toni Mrotz
Victoria Finke

Farchette and Hanley
Jack Cappiello
Dave Carr
Lad Concepcion
David Fedeles
Chris Hanley
Jan Hanley
Ray Hathaway

Rick Hillyer
Ed Jordan
Eldon Lambert
Rick Rothenberger
Lee Seward
Casey Wilson

Joel Ureta
Cheryl Fuller
Kerri Hanley
Anita Johnson
Michelle Moore
Stephanie Shoyer
Cynthia Taylor
Kurt Walcott
Karen Wilson

Fromer Real Estate
Sheelagh Fromer

Gotts & Associates
Carl Gotts
Susan Julios

Charles Urich-Buyers Agent

Great House Real Estate
Alexandra Bentley
Marcia Hollins
Regine Fitzner
H. A. Curt Otta

Hamilton Real Estate
Fortunata Pascal
Greg Hamilton
Patrice Kelly
Sandra Bastian-Carty
Pillar Fletcher

The Jaber Company
Sherleen Illidge
Jaber Yusef
Richardo Rodriguez

Landmark Realty
Doward Anastasia
Stephen Fleishman
Howard Ereen
Joyce Orielly
Douglas Williams

Lawaetz Real Estate
Valeria Gasperi
Hans Lawaetz
Sally Lawaetz

J.A. Lordi
Judith Lordi

Noreen Dunn Real Estate
Noreen Dunn

OutSource LLC
David Maier

Paradise Properties
Diana Robinson
Herman Kleemeyer

Realty Caribbean
Judy Baumgarten
Bedzaida Osorio

Remax St Croix
Andrea Stephenson
Earle Robinson
Catherine Allen
Roland Groder
Ruddie George
Joe San Martin
Julie San Martin
John McCarthy
Deb Witcraft
Trish Rhodes
Allan Coad
Dawn Johns
Karen Stanton

R & R Realty
Julie Rasmussen
Barbara Richards

SeaBlue Homes

Southland Properties
Claudette Phillip

St. Croix Realty
Eddy Rivera

Sun Realty
Emma Sun
Deb Sun

Teague Bay Properies
John Cappiello

TK Properties
Jenyne Nelson

Virgin Estate
Diane Russell