obama5.jpgIt’s been a long campaign but tonight Obama pulled out the big win. The first ever African American has been elected President! Down here in St. Croix we’ve seen many Obama signs and bumper stickers (and USVI residents can’t even vote for President). It’s apparent to me St. Croix was rooting for Obama / Biden.

The people I talk to are genuinely excited about a future with Obama as President. Even though times are tough economically people are optimistic. New, secure jobs created from investing heavily in the renewables industry seems like a smart direction for the country. Getting out of Iraq will certainly allow us to redirect 10 billion per month to other areas. That’s 300 million per day. Plus, a tax cut for 95% of Americans will help.

Comments from Obama supporters usually revolve around his intelligence, thoughtfulness and inspirational abilities, many make parallels to John F. Kennedy. My hope is that he’ll set a good example for America on the world stage and accomplish what he has proposed to do here at home. Congratulations Barack Obama and Joe Biden!

Below are a few photos I liked…
